Hello, I'm Yash. I'm a front-end developer with 3 years of experience. I enjoy building websites. My focus is React
About Me
I graduated with a degree in Information Communication Technology from University of Kentucky. Afterwards I self taught myself HTML, CSS and Javascript through tutorials and small projects and took a course from Scrimba for React and Advanced React. I enjoy figuring out how to make designs and replicating them. I can use Next.js and have some experience with TypeScript. I adapt to new technologies quickly and have fun when I know I can implement them into my work. I am currently looking for a full time position as a front end web developer.
When I'm not coding, I enjoy playing video games, watching movies/tv shows, and exercising with gymnast rings. I like exploring new places when I get the opportunity to and listening to other peoples' experiences.
My Projects
Fully functional ChatGPT 3.5 app utlizing OpenAI' api. Users log in with a Google account and can save chats on Firebase.
- React
- Nextjs 14
- TypeScript
- TailwindCSS
- Firebase
- Authjs V5
I took a design from dribbble and made it into a real website. Using the latest frontend technologies.
- Next.js 14
- TypeScript
- ShadCn UI
- Zod
- Framer Motion
End of course project for Nextjs course. An app that helps dog sitters keep track of client pets.
- React
- Next.js 14
- TypeScript
- TailwindCSS
- Stripe
- ShadCn UI
- Prisma
A clone of the iOS/iPadOS weather app. Gets current weather from OpenWeather API. Works for every city in the world.
- React
- Next.js
- TailwindCSS
- TypeScript
- Framer Motion
- TanStack
I remade the functionality of the website higherlowergame. Which I made for someone on upwork.
- React
- TailwindCSS
- TypeScript
- Framer Motion
- Zustand
- Vite
Recreated a frontend mentor design challenge. It is a calculator that can perform basic operations. It has 3 themes and is responsive.
- React
- Vite
A todo app design from frontendmentor which is funtional. Can add, delete and mark todos as complete. It uses Redux for state management. It has a dark mode and is responsive.
- React
- Vite
- Redux
- TypeScript
Another FrontEndMentor design I recreated. Practiced Grid and styling mobile first.
- React
- Vite
- TypeScript
Takes in a date and calculates the number of years, months and days since that date. It uses the dayjs library.
- React
Random Advice Generator using the Advice Slip JSON API. It uses the TanStack Query library for fetching data. Recreated from a FrontEndMentor design.
- React
- Vite
- TypeScript
- TanStack Query
A public web app for quick analytics on text. It shows word count, character count and social media post limits.
- React
- Vite.
- TypeScript
My Skills
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- React
- Next.js
- Git
- Tailwind
- Framer Motion
- Redux
- Vite
- Zustand
- Context API
- Zod
- shadcn/ui
- prisma
Contact Me
Please contact me directly at yashwanth.venkatesan@gmail.com or through this form.